Inh. Birte Ernestus-Holtkamp
Leiter der Ausbildung:
Wilfried Rappenecker
Oelkersallee 33
22769 Hamburg
Fundamental touch mit Alice Whieldon
deutschSei-ki: Fundamental Touch
When I first met Kishi Akinobu, the founder of Sei-ki, it was for a treatment. I had heard of
him, of course. He had a reputation as the wild boy of Shiatsu, a maverick. Over the years I
learned that this had an element of truth and some people undoubtedly found that aspect
of him appealing. But what was more striking to me in that first meeting was his touch. It
was not limited to the physical placing of his hands but was in his presence as he sat down
beside me. Immediately I felt I was in safe hands. It was a feeling of being seen for who I
was, dispassionately but also intimately, without judgement. This ‘touched’ me deeply. The
actual touch of his hands was equally universal or professional but very sensitive, matching
my needs subtly and powerfully.
For me, this touch was ‘fundamental’ in a number of ways: tailored to my needs in this
moment, it was without artifice or technique; it was ‘safe hands’ in the sense that the ideal
parental touch is there only for the needs and comfort of the child, to soothe and guide; a
fundamental prerequisite of life. And it was fundamental in being elemental; it escaped
social politeness, not by being vulgar, but by being original and basic.
You are invited to a 3 day Sei-ki workshop with Alice Whieldon, co-author, with Kishi
Akinobu, of Sei-ki: Life in Resonance, the Secret Art of Shiatsu (2011). The focus will be on
fundamental touch. If you are a Shiatsu practitioner, this will be a window into the
roots of that art and a chance to develop your touch mindfully. But Sei-ki has also,
always, appealed to people from a wide variety of backgrounds because it fosters
creativity, originality and contact. So the only requirement for participation is interest
and an open mind. On this workshop you will be asked to consider what health and
help really are and how they relate to touch. The emphasis will be on experience
through practice and observation and explanations will be offered as we work and
Alice Whieldon
Weitere Informationen über Sei-ki und Alice Whieldon finden Sie unter
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