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Visionary Craniosacral Therapie

Visionary Craniosacral Work®

is a soothing, noninvasive, hands-on therapy.

The craniosacral system includes the brain, the cerebrospinal fluid, the system of membranes inside the cranium, all 22 cranial bones, the spine and the sacrum.

What the Navajo call ‘the wind’s child,’ Genesis calls ‘the breath of life.’ It is a silent force, a field of chi, which blows through the craniosacral system, animates it, and infuses it with information and intelligence.

It is possible to listen to this field. The ability to do this is called ‘the heart of listening.’

A visionary knows how to touch a client with precise and gentle contacts that help the client feel more aligned, and more at home in themselves. Sometimes, by touching just the right place in just the right way, a visionary can help the client understand what troubles them, and what they need to reclaim their equanimity, and their place in life. Such work can also help the client access and release their healing potential.

The Milne Institute offers an avocational, in-depth training in the heart of listening, a visionary approach to craniosacral work. This may mean that students may not be eligible for certain kinds of CEU or vocational credit. What we offer is continuing education, not vocational education. Kindly check with your local licensing authority to be sure our training will give you the educational credit you need.

Experiential Track & Certification Track Programs

The Milne Institute’s Visionary Craniosacral Work® training is a minimum two-year program.

There are two training tracks available. The first track is the Experiential Track, which consists of classes C1, 2, 3 & 4 only.

Classes C1 - C4 make up the 'Experiential Track.' To take part in the C1 class, students require a minimum of 150 hours of professional training in sensitive touch. Students must take the C1 class before they take the C2 class. Once they have taken the C1 and C2 classes, students can take the C3 or the C4 class. The C3 and C4 classes are interchangeable, but it works better to take the C3 before the C4.

Ideally, these classes are taken in numerical sequence. Before taking a C5 or a C6 class, the student must complete a tutorial review of 30 Client Records and 30 Session Sign-Offs with a Milne Institute Supervisor (you can find the complete list of Supervisors on this website).

This track is designed to give the student a basis from which to harness intuitive and analytic craniosacral skills into an existing massage or bodywork practice.

Note: A ‘license to touch’ is often needed in order to practice craniosacral work.

The second track is the Certification Track. It is a focused, in depth training sequence whose core consists of intensive tutorial coaching.

For more information please visit