Inh. Birte Ernestus-Holtkamp
Leiter der Ausbildung:
Wilfried Rappenecker
Oelkersallee 33
22769 Hamburg
Six forms of touch - die sechs Formen der Berührung mit Bill Palmer
deutschThis course is designed for students and practitioners of various types of bodywork.
No prior knowledge of Chinese medicine or Shiatsu is required, and the content is interesting for any
kind of bodywork and personal development.
The underlying idea of the Six Forms of Touch is that the way you connect with a person is
just as important (if not more so) as the physical aspect or the treatment technique itself.
This workshop demonstrates how the holistic energies, as described by Chinese medicine, are
influenced by our way of communication, the quality of our touch, and the exercises and
"homework" for our clients.
The Six Forms of Touch also help clients to become aware of
their own bodies in a way that allows them to incorporate the experiences from the treatment
into their daily lives.
Each type of touch is connected to a meridian group, often referred to as the Six Combined
Meridians, which traditionally links the physical and mental energetic aspects. Bill shows
how these meridian combinations relate to early childhood movement patterns and how
movement work can be used to work with the meridians.
Movement Shiatsu grew out of years of working with children and people with physical and
mental limitations, and is also inspired by Bill’s experiences with “Body-Mind Centering,”
“Wolfson Voicework,” and Gestalt therapy. It is an effective way of working with chronic
patterns that are hard to "break."
Together with his wife Teresa Hadland, he offers international
training in Movement Shiatsu and Inner Qi Gong.
Focus Areas:
Learning how the quality of touch and the interpersonal field affect various aspects of
Understanding the Six Divisions and their relationship to early childhood movement
Direct experience of subtle aspects of the body, such as the internal organs and fascia,
through Inner Qi Gong
Experiences and experiments for home practice, empowering clients to take self-
responsibility for their health
Bill Palmer
Bill Palmer ist Leiter der School for Experimental Education in GB. Er begann 1973 Shiatsu zu studieren und ist einer der Pioniere des Shiatsu in Europa. 1982 war er Mitbegründer die britische Shiatsu Gesellschaft und war Herausgeber des internationalen Journal of Shiatsu und Oriental Body Therapy. Er ist Autor von zwei bald erscheinenden Büchern, `Der Tiger im Hain” und “Physikalische Demokratie”. Er hat mehr als 50 Artikel veröffentlicht.
Note: As it is always possible for course participants to be unable to attend a course due to unforeseen circumstances, we recommend a seminar fee insurance. In the event of illness, this will at least protect you from the financial burden and may make it easier to attend the desired course another time.
In some cases, travel expenses can also be covered by such insurance.
This insurance is offered by many providers. We therefore recommend that you contact an insurance company that you know.
We are unable to provide any advice regarding insurances or other services related.