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Innere Techniken - Teil II (oder als Einstieg in die Inneren Techniken) Inner Techniques Part 2 (or as entry into Inner techniques) mit Wilfried Rappenecker


Inner Techniques 2 – Application in Everyday Shiatsu Practice

with Wilfried Rappenecker

- interview wit Wilfried Rappenecker /

By using Inner Techniques, the treating person’s relaxed and focussed attention becomes an effective treatment tool in our everyday Shiatsu practice. The basic principle is based on offering relaxation and expansion within the client’s energetic space so that new paths become visible and viable on a physical, emotional, and mental level. Furthermore, Inner Techniques promote relaxation and expansion in the body of the treating person as well, thus stimulating their capacity for resonance and perception.

Wilfried Rappenecker differentiates 3 basic techniques: the Inner Technique of the Free Field of Ki, the Inner Technique of the Focussed Field of Ki, and the Inner Technique of Connection. These basic techniques can be modified in a wide range of ways in order to adapt them to the relevant treatment situation. These modifications will be widely discussed, demonstrated and practiced in this seminar.

In particular, we will discuss the application of the Inner Technique of the Free Field of Ki when treating Jitsu-tension, and the Focussed Field of Ki in Local Shiatsu, as well as the treatment of pronounced Kyo-areas.

We will address their application for predominantly physical complaints such as backpain, pain in the joints, shoulders, and hips, occipital problems, digestive complaints as well as menstrual problems. Releasing chronic tension, for example in the groin, diaphragm or occiput, will be a further topic, as will be their application after accidents or surgeries. During emotional or life crises Inner Techniques offer a wide range of possibilities to overcome the narrowness of the crisis and find potential solutions. The basis for this kind of work is often Local Shiatsu, which will be frequently applied in this course.

Inner Techniques are also of benefit in meridian work. In this context they can support the free vibrations within the meridian space, and they can facilitate holding the contact to the home of the relevant organ more easily. By using Inner Techniques, working with the Governing Vessel or Conception Vessel will be more explicit and effective, for example for integration towards the end of a treatment.

Inner Techniques are generally combined with physical Shiatsu techniques. This can be challenging and will be practiced in this seminar.



By attending this seminar you will:

  • Deepen and add to your knowledge of how to apply Inner Techniques in specific situations, and also learn new treatment techniques
  • Be able to apply Inner Techniques for predominantly physical complaints, such as for hip or shoulder complaints
  • Be able to meaningfully apply Inner Techniques during emotional crises
  • Consider and understand the body as an energetic space
  • Practice and develop your focussed presence and capacity for energetic perception within the energetic space
  • Successfully apply Local Shiatsu
  • Become familiar with specific Kyo and Jitsu techniques
  • Gain a new understanding of Shiatsu


This seminar is open to all those interested who have completed at least half of their Shiatsu training. Previous experience of how to apply Inner Techniques is advantageous but not a requirement for participation. To participants who are already familiar with Inner Techniques it will broaden their knowledge and deepen their understanding.

Please see also the article ‘Inner Techniques’, ‘Inner Technique of Uprightness and Expansion’ as well as ‘Local Shiatsu’ on Wilfried Rappenecker’s website




Wilfried Rappenecker

Wilfried Rappenecker war lange Jahre Leiter der Schule für Shiatsu Hamburg und Mitbegründer der Gesellschaft für Shiatsu in Deutschland (GSD) sowie Leiter der Internationalen Shiatsu Schule in Kiental, Schweiz und Initiator der dortigen Europäischen Shiatsu Kongresse.
Als Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin arbeitet er überwiegend mit Shiatsu.

Er ist Autor der Shiatsu-Bücher "Yu Sen - Sprudelnder Quell" und "Fünf Wandlungsphasen und zwölf Meridiane", beide im Felicitas Hübner Verlag sowie zahlreicher Artikel zum Thema Shiatsu. Zusammen mit Meike Kockrick schrieb er den "Atlas Shiatsu - Die Meridiane des Zen-Shiatsu", sowie Herausgeber und Autor von "Fälle aus der therapeutischen Shiatsu-Praxis", beide bei Elsevier.

ClassInnere Techniken - Teil II (oder als Einstieg in die Inneren Techniken) Inner Techniques Part 2 (or as entry into Inner techniques)
Date13. Feb. 2025 - 16. Feb. 2025
Teaching TeamWilfried Rappenecker
Class LocationHamburg
Schule für Shiatsu Hamburg
Oelkersallee 33
22769 Hamburg
Requirementsab der Hälfte einer Shiatsu-Ausbildung ( ca 200 Std) - Vorkennisse mit den Inneren Techniken sind hilfriech, aber keine Vorbedingung / at least half of a Shiatsu training. Previous experience of how to apply Inner Techniques is advantageous but not a requirement for participation.
PriceEUR 560.00
Class times
Donnerstag, 13. Feb. 2025, 10:00-18:00
Freitag, 14. Feb. 2025, 09:30-18:00
Samstag, 15. Feb. 2025, 09:30-18:00
Sonntag, 16. Feb. 2025, 09:30-16:00

Note: As it is always possible for course participants to be unable to attend a course due to unforeseen circumstances, we recommend a seminar fee insurance. In the event of illness, this will at least protect you from the financial burden and may make it easier to attend the desired course another time.
In some cases, travel expenses can also be covered by such insurance.
This insurance is offered by many providers. We therefore recommend that you contact an insurance company that you know.
We are unable to provide any advice regarding insurances or other services related.