Inh. Birte Ernestus-Holtkamp
Leiter der Ausbildung:
Wilfried Rappenecker
Oelkersallee 33
22769 Hamburg
Ki-do-ma – die richtige Zeit, das richtige Maß, der richtige Raum mit Alice Whieldon
Das sind wesentliche Elemente sowohl im Shiatsu als auch im Sei-Ki.
deutschKi-do-ma – right time, right quantity, right space. Vital elements of both Shiatsu and Sei-ki.
Without these our work is reduced to ideas and techniques; with ki-do-ma our practice has the chance to enter another realm. The skilful practitioner refines and clarifies themselves so the mind/body knows sees and feels where to touch, experiences in their bones when to touch and does not think but feels precisely how long to stay.
A Sei-ki workshop is not just for those wanting to pursue this Way and Art but is also essential for Shiatsu practitioners who wish to deepen their Shiatsu work.
The founder of Sei-ki, Kishi Akinobu, studied Shiatsu in its Golden Age in Japan and was the star pupil of Masunaga. Sei-ki is born out of this fertile time and place and carries an echo of that work.
Shiatsu practitioners can catch and use this reverberation to enhance their understanding of the origins and possibilities of Shiatsu as well as get a taste of Sei-ki.
Students of Sei-ki are welcome to join us and refine their experience of ki-do-ma in the great space offered by the Schule fur Shiatsu in Hamburg.
Alice Whieldon
Weitere Informationen über Sei-ki und Alice Whieldon finden Sie unter
Note: As it is always possible for course participants to be unable to attend a course due to unforeseen circumstances, we recommend a seminar fee insurance. In the event of illness, this will at least protect you from the financial burden and may make it easier to attend the desired course another time.
In some cases, travel expenses can also be covered by such insurance.
This insurance is offered by many providers. We therefore recommend that you contact an insurance company that you know.
We are unable to provide any advice regarding insurances or other services related.