Inh. Birte Ernestus-Holtkamp
Leiter der Ausbildung:
Wilfried Rappenecker
Oelkersallee 33
22769 Hamburg
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Working with core process through the three meridian families mit Bill Palmer und Teresa Hadland
deutschSome problems don’t seem to go away because they come from a basic conflict within the person. The person is stuck in a position of fighting with their true nature. The problems often emerge in relationships, in emotional patterns and in physical vulnerabilities.In Chinese medicine, these issues can be seen as a manifestation of what is called the Ming (命). This is often translated as “Destiny” but it can be seen as describing the agenda of your life rather than a fixed fate. Instead of trying to ‘cure’ these core problems we can learn how to reframe them into opportunities for development of the true self.
The three Families of meridians that are the foundation of Movement Shiatsu can give practical ways of doing this. The combined energy of the Families transform the state of the client from being a victim into an active explorer, taking charge of their life and using their condition to fulfil their potential. Instead of trying to cure or fix problems, they show how to transcend them.
This course looks at how these core problems can be seen as interruptions to natural life processes and how we can use the body to transform them into life lessons.
The course will:
- Show how to work with emotional patterns through movement and touch
- Use the Gestalt Cycle to understand the types of interruptions to processes
- Show how to use Three Meridian Families to identify and liberate stuck processes
- Learn experiments, qigong and explorations to give a client to do at home.
Bill Palmer
Bill Palmer ist Leiter der School for Experimental Education in GB. Er begann 1973 Shiatsu zu studieren und ist einer der Pioniere des Shiatsu in Europa. 1982 war er Mitbegründer die britische Shiatsu Gesellschaft und war Herausgeber des internationalen Journal of Shiatsu und Oriental Body Therapy. Er ist Autor von zwei bald erscheinenden Büchern, `Der Tiger im Hain” und “Physikalische Demokratie”. Er hat mehr als 50 Artikel veröffentlicht.
Teresa Hadland
Teresa Hadland lernt und praktiziert Shiatsu seit 35 Jahren. Sie unterrichtet Movement Shiatsu in dem SEED Weiterbildungs-Programm und arbeitet als Co-Lehrerin zusammen mit Bill Palmer weltweit in 12 Ländern. Sie unterrichtete Shiatsu im Rahmen des Komplementär-Medizin-Abschlusses an der Derby-Universität und ist verantwortlich für die Lehrerzertifizierung innerhalb der britischen Shiatsu-Gesellschaft. In ihrer gut besuchten Praxis arbeitet sie mit einer großen Vielfalt von Menschen. Terésa hat viel zum Bewusstsein für Shiatsu in der britischen Öffentlichkeit beigetragen.
Note: As it is always possible for course participants to be unable to attend a course due to unforeseen circumstances, we recommend a seminar fee insurance. In the event of illness, this will at least protect you from the financial burden and may make it easier to attend the desired course another time.
In some cases, travel expenses can also be covered by such insurance.
This insurance is offered by many providers. We therefore recommend that you contact an insurance company that you know.
We are unable to provide any advice regarding insurances or other services related.